Fifteen states are reducing either individual or corporate income taxes this year, with some states trimming both individual and corporate taxes, among 34 states starting the year with significant tax changes.
January 3 -
Portland, Oregon, may penalize higher earners more than any other large U.S. city, according to a new report.
June 2 -
The Internal Revenue Service audited fewer taxpayers last year, according to a new report, although audits of millionaires ticked up slightly.
January 4 -
Specialized tax services can be a great way to enhance revenue and cement your relationship as the client’s trusted advisor.
July 22 -
The service is taking steps to increase its audit rates of higher-income taxpayers after coming under sharp criticism in Congress over its lagging audit numbers.
June 1 -
Fewer than two out of every 100 taxpayers reporting over $1 million in income were audited by the Internal Revenue Service in fiscal year 2020, according to a new report.
March 19 -
The agency processed more of every major type of form during FY 2018 than during the prior year, with the exception of estate tax returns.
May 22 -
CFP candidates must master the new material in time for the November exam.
May 22