Fifteen states are reducing either individual or corporate income taxes this year, with some states trimming both individual and corporate taxes, among 34 states starting the year with significant tax changes.
January 3 -
The service announced its annual inflation adjustments, including increases in the standard deduction and changes in tax brackets.
November 9 -
Portland, Oregon, may penalize higher earners more than any other large U.S. city, according to a new report.
June 2 -
The service released its annual inflation adjustments Wednesday, including the standard deduction amount for individual and married taxpayers.
November 10 -
As Congress wrangles, advisors are struggling to figure out how to help clients.
October 28 -
Trusts aren’t just for the .01%, as some advisors sell mass affluent and high-net-worth clients on their tax benefits.
July 13 -
The near doubling of the capital gains tax rate would have a large impact on the net profit from any sale of any capital asset.
June 29Nelson Mullins -
Fueled remote work and worries over tax hikes, financial advisors who live in expensive cities are trimming their personal tax bills by moving to low-tax and no-tax states.
June 15 -
The proposed changes are worrying investors and their tax advisors, especially the possibility of making them retroactive.
June 10 -
Some world’s wealthiest individuals paid little to no federal income taxes, IRS records show.
June 8